100 Days of Code Challenge

100 Days of Code Challenge

Every journey begins with a single step

Photo by James Harrison on Unsplash

Day 0

I started the #100DaysOfCode challenge today. Currently working on the ‘Basic JavaScript’ course by freeCodeCamp.

Hoping to learn some new skills & connect with others interested in programming/coding. To connect and keep up-to-date with my daily progress, you can follow me on twitter @wordsbyfifi, GitHub, or right here on Hashnode.

If you’re interested in learning more and joining the challenge check it out here: https://100daysofcode.com.

Happy coding!

Today's Progress:

Started working on Basic JavaScript course created by freeCodeCamp. Currently 34% complete with the course. Got stuck on the 'Word Blanks' activity but after staring at it for several minutes, having my partner look at it, I finally found the answer in a forum. My error was syntactical and I forgot to include spaces before AND after the variables in the concatenated string.


Next time I think I need to work a little earlier in the evening. I worked 8pm-9pm and my brain was tired which made reading on a screen (and understanding some instructions) difficult. I did however listen to Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons - Winter' on repeat which helped me focus.

For my progress visit the timeline on my freeCodeCamp Profile.

This post originally appeared on my personal website’s blog.

You can read my full #100DaysOfCode journal on my GitHub repository for the challenge.